How did you start volunteering for ARF?

I started volunteering with ARF around 2004-2005. A lady I worked with also started volunteering and fostering at the same time and we used to organise a Christmas dog giving tree in our workplace, where people could donate tinned or dry food for the foster dogs over the Christmas period. I also helped out on stalls and other events such as the calendar launch.

What is your role as a volunteer editor for ARF like?

While volunteering on the stalls I met with the lady who was initially producing the ARF newsletter; a two page info piece that came out about once a month. When she left around 2011 I took it over. After a while I realised there was a lot of potential in producing it in magazine format. Initially it was fairly basic and digital, but I eventually persuaded a graphic designer colleague (who loved dogs) to work on a 28 page layout which continued for a number of years. Later, and with full approval from the ARF Committee, we started working on a print version. The first print issue of ChinWag magazine was released in the Autumn of 2016, and from then was produced quarterly with Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn issues. I would like to mention that this would not have been possible without the work and support of the then graphic designer, Byron Carr. I remained in the role of Editor of ChinWag until stepping down in December 2019.

What other roles do you play, if any?

After stepping down as Editor I now volunteer as Assistant Editor on ChinWag. I’m also part of the Calendar Team who produce our beautiful annual calendar, and also worked on the Trivia Night Team which unfortunately has not been allowed to continue for the past two years due to COVID restrictions. Hopefully it will be able to go ahead in 2022 as it was lots of fun and a great fund raiser for ARF. I was also a member of the Executive Committee, and the Communication Sub-committee.

What has been the most rewarding moment of being an ARF volunteer for you?

After years of work and effort; definitely seeing ChinWag in print for the first time! And yes, I still have an original copy. It’s also fabulous to see it continuing with a wonderful new Editor.

What has been the most difficult/most surprising moment of being an ARF volunteer for you?

I don’t recall any difficult times. One of my nicest memories (apart from ChinWag) was being awarded lifetime membership in 2016.