As COVID-19 restrictions ease and many of us return to work, we need to make sure our dogs (who have become very used to our constant company and extra attention) aren’t left to fret and develop possible separation anxiety. It is important to prepare them to be home alone more often and make sure you can spot the signs of an anxious dog so you can care and support them adequately.

Symptoms of separation anxiety in dogs may include:

  • Vocalising
  • Destructive behaviour
  • Pacing
  • Weight loss
  • Regression in Toilet Training
  • Here are some great tips to help reduce any possible anxiety in your dog as you prepare to return to the office:

Start doing small outings outside the house and leaving your dog at home – get them used to being in their own company with small increased increments of time before you do the 8-hour work day!

Don’t make a fuss when you return home for the day – otherwise, your dog will learn to anticipate your arrival home and not be able to settle or be calm until you are back. Only engage with them once they have settled down!

As well as a good walk, make sure your dog has adequate mental stimulation. This can include things like Kongs, puzzles, lick mats, new toys and home-alone games! This will help keep them occupied and engaged while you are out.

Leave the radio or TV on for noise company

Talk to your vet about possible anti-anxiety supplements or pheromones like Adaptil or increased Omega-3!

Leave them with a dirty shirt or jumper to cuddle, so they can smell you while they snooze the day away.