Both of my dogs, Barney and Barkley, recently passed away within 3 days of each other in October 2021.

Over the last 5 years, Barkley has been helping us rescue and foster multiple dogs. He was incredibly good with them (it was as if it was his calling), giving them space where needed, playing with them if they were interested, showing them routine and how to respond to commands, and communicating to us with his body when he felt something wasn’t right. Barkley was my best friend, and the love and loyalty he showed our family will stay with me forever.

This year, Barkley was diagnosed with cancer, and when he started showing symptoms and his health started deteriorating, Barney became stressed and started having seizures. Barney already had complex issues (due to his age) that we were managing with Holistic Paws and Gungahlin Veterinary Hospital. I didn’t want to say goodbye to either of them. I’m glad they have each other’s company while they wait over the rainbow for us.