

Animal ID No: ARF833
Rescue Date: 29 September 2021
Adopted Date: 17 December 2021


Ms Crunchie is a very sweet, quirky and loving crossbreed (likely Great Dane/Staffy). Her age is unknown, but likely 2-3 years old. She is approximately 45kg.

Crunchie is toilet trained. She does not like to be in a crate and has been left loose in our apartment. She is very much an indoor dog. She has shown zero destructive behaviour and is quiet at home. She can be left alone during the day, but prefers to have people who are around more.

Crunchie’s favourite activities are cuddling, sleeping, lounging, laying down, napping, and lazing around. She is not interested in toys or learning tricks. She will do zoomies to run between her humans when outside. She knows sit, down, stop, wait, cross and we have been working on spin. She is really good “out of the kitchen”. She is very good with obedience indoors, but gets distracted outdoors. Like many Great Dane she likes to lean on you and get pats. Despite her large size she is a bit picky about food. She LOVES chilled dog food, so we have been mixing that or meat scraps into her kibble.

Crunchie is great on walks, wants to stay near her humans and barely needs a lead in most places. She can get nervous around cars and crowded places, so it is useful for that. She used to pull a lot when nervous, but with training she barely pulls anymore. She has relaxed a lot while in care. We take her to off lead parks for walking (not so much for play) and she happily follows us around. She gets two 45 min walks a day and is very happy to follow the same route over and over. She will tell you she does not need the walks, but she is lying. She often drags her feet, but needs the exercise to keep her healthy. She would be fine for light jogging, but not great as a fast running partner.

Crunchie was very shy and fearful when she came into foster care. She is still easily scared by the outside world, but has gained a lot of confidence through exposure training. She still does growl and bark at some people (largely men), this is getting quite rare and should improve over time as she learns that strangers are not so bad and that she is safe with her humans. She doesn’t enjoy dogs who like rough play or are too hyper. Calm dogs are generally fine. Crunchie needs her humans to understand that she gets scared sometimes and to help her manage that. That includes slow introductions and continuing with the exposure training. This is things like taking her to busy places and gently introducing her to new people and things.

Crunchie is great in the car and adapts well to new surroundings as long as her humans are around. She is by far the easiest foster dog we have had and is a great companion.

If you enjoy going on a couple walks a day, and have lots of love to give to this fur ball please reach out to Nadia.

'Rescued' is my favourite breed


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