
About Diesel

Diesel is an energetic, funny, loveable, boy who loves giving you attentions, kisses and lots of love just like any Staffy boy

Animal ID No: ARF1681
Microchip No: 941 000 016 591 850
Size: Medium/Small
Sex: Male Desexed
Breed: Staffy
Age: 10yrs
Activity Level: Moderate
Category: Available
Fees: $450

Foster Carer:
Rey Wilson
Perfect Match:

More About Diesel

Diesel is an energetic, funny, loveable, boy who loves giving attention, kisses just like any Staffy boy

He is the sweetest, most affectionate goof ball you will ever meet.

As an older gentleman Diesel is a little unstable in his back legs which means that he stumbles and falls over himself a bit but it doesn’t seem to affect his spirits as he is always happy.

Her also has a bit of a senstive tummy all of which has been check by his vet and they are happy with him.

Diesel likes tummy rubs, pats, playing tug `o’ war, cuddles, going for walks and being in contact with you. 

Diesel would suit a home that is not too busy with people who are around to hang out with and look after Diesel. He is a big people person who enjoys the company of humans more than toys.

Thank you for considering an ARF dog. Most dogs receive many enquiries, and we aim to match the right dog to the right home so that they can enjoy a happy life together. If your enquiry is unsuccessful, rest assured that the foster carer has carefully based their decision on a thorough knowledge and understanding of the dog’s needs.

Adoption Process

Submit the enquiry form for the dog you like, explain what the dog's life would be like with you and find out more about him. Discuss the possibility of meeting him with a view to adoption

Make an Enquiry

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  • House, townhouse, property, apartment, rural, etc?
  • If other, please describe.
  • Please include if you own any other pets such as cats, rabbits, birds, reptiles, etc.
  • E.g. how long you've had them, their personality, sociable with other dogs, etc
  • Please provide the practice name and location
  • Please describe any experience you have with dog training
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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